The Teller

The Teller

The Teller

The Teller

The Teller is the carrier of a draw of Tarot cards:
Tarot cards have been used for many years as a divination tool and a mystical object.

By questioning a part of someone’s life and by picking randomly the cards,
one is able to have a symbolic glimpse at their past, present and future.
The Teller acts as a receptacle of this ancient ritual.

The Teller is an evolving sculpture: it is possible to draw a new set of tarot cards and thus being able to read a new divination.
The narration evolves, the cosmic bonds are renewed. The Teller is a bridge between two worlds:
- the world of symbolism, the world of faith, belief and holistic
- the world of concrete physical shapes and of materiality

One of the card holder

Throughout my work I often question the fact of believing in our society:
the different reality levels,
the intellectualization of our connections to universe
and particularly how people have systemized access to their inner selves through faith and beliefs.
This is a thematic that is also the corner stone of others of my projects like God.Co; Cosmic Dance for a Leaf, Cosmos#1; Totem…