
mapiya lumi

The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery commissioned me to design and paint elements for the new permanent children’s gallery mapiya lumi.

 Developed for children aged 0-7 years, the gallery is TMAG’s largest long-term exhibition project since the 2013 Redevelopment of the museum.

mapiya lumi’ means ‘around here’ in palawa kani and reflects a focus in the exhibition on a sense of home and place that is unique to the islands that make up lutruwita/Tasmania.

Designed with the child’s perspective in mind, the gallery incorporates a dedicated space for little ones aged 0-3 as well as a range of areas for children aged 3-7 to explore.

It introduces Tasmania as ‘a little big home’ and invites visitors to journey through a place of deep oceans, soaring rock columns and tumbling waterfalls, while also discovering tiny nests, comfy kitchens and fire pit stories.

Visit the Museum website here