
You, The Meta, The Physic, Me and Charon too

~ (…) Between the table and the emptiness

there is a line which is the table and the emptiness

where the poem can just progress (…)

Roberto Juarroz, Vertical poetry I, poem XII

You, The Meta, The Physic, Me and Charon too.

2018 S.A.C, Hobart


Here is a brief capture of a fundamental motion. Here, Life is contained on a peculiar space.


Racines, 2018, Casted stone, natural ochres, gold leaves

Racines, 2018, Casted stone, natural ochres, gold leaves


The territory of the Between.

Take your Turn, 2018, Watercolour painted paper forms, holes

Take your Turn, 2018, Watercolour painted paper forms, holes


In an Human existence linked to the constant movement, 

Above: A construction toward You, Casted stone, natural ochres, gold leaves, acrylic paint, paper shape, Huon pineBelow: 1- A doll, 2017, Felt, cotton, cardboard, string, pink pencil2- A Story about Ladder, 2017, Diptych. Acrylic paint on brown pape…


A construction toward You, Casted stone, natural ochres, gold leaves, acrylic paint, paper shape, Huon pine


1- A doll, 2017, Felt, cotton, cardboard, string, pink pencil

2- A Story about Ladder, 2017, Diptych. Acrylic paint on brown paper

3- One Ride Ticket, 2017, Watercolour and pencil on paper


Places, thoughts and objects become intimate mythologies.
 Unique cartography opening toward narrations on the edge of the universal and the personal. 

TIME OCCUPY US, 2018, Perspex

TIME OCCUPY US, 2018, Perspex


Between truth and inaccuracy. 
Between facts and fantasy. 

Between the You and the Me, The Them, The It, The Is,
and all the betweens between.

Departyed, 2018, Installation + Video. Plaster, gold angel’s hair, string, party balloons, wood, Size variable

Departyed, 2018, Installation + Video.

Plaster, gold angel’s hair, string, party balloons, wood, Size variable